Region 418 Player Withdrawal and Refund Policy
To withdraw your child from AYSO Region 418, please email the Registrar at [email protected] and request the withdrawal.
If the player wants to rejoin the region after withdrawing, the player will have to re-register.
Please note that the $25 AYSO National Player Fee (NPF) is not refundable.
Credit card processing and administrative costs are also not refundable.
- For Fall/Spring Programs the processing and administrative costs are $20.
- For EPIC, Fall-only and Spring-only Programs the costs are $10.
- For the Winter Indoor Program the costs are $15.
Core and EPIC Programs Refunds
Withdrawals through June 15:
The full registration fee less the AYSO NPF and above-mentioned costs.
Withdrawals from June 16 through July 15:
50% of the full registration fee less the AYSO NPF and costs.
No refunds will be given as of July 16.
Spring-only Programs:
Withdrawals up to 2 months prior to the first game of the Spring season
The full registration fee less the AYSO NPF and costs.
Withdrawals between 1 and 2 months prior to the first game of the Spring season
50% of the registration fee less the AYSO NPF and costs.
No refunds will be given less than 1 month prior to the first game of the Spring season.
Winter Indoor Program Refunds
50% of the Indoor Program fee less the AYSO NPF (if paid for Indoors) and costs.
No refunds will be given after the first day of the program.
AYSO EXTRA & Northwind Programs
Contact Extra and Northwind for their refund policies.